The majority of plants that repel bugs do so because of their inherent odors, which attract and repel troublesome mosquitoes as well as add pleasant fragrances to your garden. You can naturally repel mosquitoes by growing some of these plants in your garden or yourself rather than covering yourself or your surroundings with chemical insect repellent. Plant these plants near eating places, doorways, or other areas where visitors are likely to gather. If you cannot control mosquitoes in your surroundings by yourself, contact pest control in Four Corners.
How can pests be deterred by planting mosquito-repellent plants?
- Lavender plant
Ever notice how your lavender plant never gets entirely torn apart by insects, bunnies, or other animals? It is a result of their wonderful scent, which is produced by the essential oils the plant’s leaves contain. Some even claim that lavender oil impairs a mosquito’s sense of smell! Once established, this plant just needs full sunlight and good drainage; it is highly resilient and drought-resistant. Although it can thrive in every kind of conditions, it prefers warmer climates.
- Lemon grass or citronella grass
Citronella grass, also known as lemongrass, is a natural component that is often used in insect repellents due to its strong scent. In fact, to keep off mosquitoes, experts suggest lemon-scented plants like citronella grass. Fortunately, the live plant shows the highest level of pest-repelling efficacy. Because it cannot tolerate winter, this low-maintenance plant develops best in large planters. However, in warmer climates, it can be planted … Read More